Tuesday, April 5, 2011

election day


Today is election day and Wisconsinites are eager to see if everything that has happened over the last two months will get voters to the polls in big numbers.

Matt and I voted at lunch. While we were there a class of elementary school kids came through on an election day themed scavenger hunt. I was identified as being 'a voter' by my sticker and several kids got to check me off their lists.

election day

I've been slow with the updates, I know. Daily lacrosse practices after work began last week and I'm just now starting to figure out this crazy schedule I'm trying to keep. Did I mention we're also doing baby swimming classes on Tuesday nights now? And I'm baking cookies for the alumni basketball games on Saturday, and helping Matt with his end-of-season banquet on Sunday?

Life is a little nuts right now. But I keep saying that, so maybe I just have to finally accept that this is just the new reality.

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