Tuesday, April 19, 2011


woodland room from lucky kids

I saw this in the inaugural issue of Lucky Kids magazine and am in all kinds of love with this playroom. That little IKEA slide is just fantastic - here's a better look:

IKEA slide

Even before I saw this I had been considering getting it for Matteo for his birthday since his favorite thing to do at school is go down the slide on the indoor climbing gym. (He either goes down on his belly like a seal, or sitting up facing backwards.) But now after seeing its size relative to other things, I think I'll hold off until he's a little bigger and better able to climb up on top of it.

Notice anything about those curtains?! They are the same design as this wallpaper, but makelite doesn't sell curtains and the pattern is ever-so-slightly different. How did they make them? And of course they're the only feature in the room that doesn't have a source next to it. Grrr.

The only thing I'm a little leery of in this room is the swing. The idea of an indoor swing is great - in theory - but seriously, don't kids swing into the walls and bash things around? I can see it working in a loft but in this room...not so much.

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