Tuesday, April 26, 2011



Saturday night I went out with Carrie to see our friend Nick's band. This was kind of a big deal because I was able to reconnect with my old friend Mr. Vodka Tonic and stay out until midnight for the first time in many months. For a woman who has been spending her evenings watching BBC America programs about the royal wedding, the whole evening was highly enjoyable.

While I love Matteo like crazy, and all the warm fuzzies I get from being a mom and doing things with our little family are totally awesome, there are other things I enjoy that have had to take a backseat while we sort out our new routine. It's completely normal for priorities to shift as one works on adjusting to new life circumstances, but I'm now to the point where I know we've got a good thing going and I'm ready for a little more time for me.

Matt and I talked about this over the weekend and have decided to better prioritize socializing without Matteo. (We're pretty good about socializing with him, which won't change, but it ultimately makes for a much earlier curfew.) Each month we both get one night out ourselves with our own friends, as well as one night out together where we get a babysitter. I also now will have a couple of hours each Sunday, without a baby underfoot (that's the key here), to spend in the kitchen cooking or baking something new. I have stacks of food magazines from the last year that are barely touched and as much as we love the convenience of Trader Joe's, I've missed the pleasure of discovering and making new things.

For me, the hardest thing about being a working mom has been the guilt. I feel guilty for not being with him during the week so I want to spend every waking minute with him on the weekends. This weekend showed me how much I've missed going out at night and how easy it is to do, especially when I leave after he's gone to bed. Win win.

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