Friday, April 15, 2011

2003 flashback

Last weekend I was at our library and picked up some magazines from the free magazine swap area. I grabbed an issue of Teen Vogue with Gwen Stefani on the cover, only to find when I got home to find it was from 2003.

Let's take a trip back through time, shall we?

short vneck shirts
I had several shirts that were the same style as the one on the left in this picture. I did not, however, wear jean jackets with only hot pink bras underneath.

swingy belt
Although I will admit I did wear pants with long swingy belts attached to them.

Now that we live in a time when tunics, leggings and tall boots have been embraced by the multitudes, women of 2003 really showed a lot of skin.

In celebrity news, Rashida Jones dated Mark Ronson? I did not know this.

In celebrity news I did know about, the original BENNIFER! Awesome.

2003 was a terrifyingly wonderful year for me and I'll always remember it fondly. It was the year I took some big chances and ended up moving back to the Caribbean by myself to live the dream on my own terms. It is one of the things in my life I'm most proud of, tight shirts, swingy belts and all.

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