Monday, April 25, 2011

the end of spring break


We celebrated Easter on Saturday with Matt's family so yesterday was spent outside enjoying the last day of our spring break. We took a walk to our new favorite coffee shop for iced coffees and paninis and a baby croissant for Matteo, and then strolled down the street to a new local bakery for a milkshake.

It's been wonderful being home with Matteo for a week. I was home a few days with him, Matt was home a few days with him, we all were home together for a few days, and at the end of it all I felt like we were much better re-connected as a family.

Matteo is much more demonstrative now with his affection for us. He loves hugs and will even pause for a moment now and then to rest his head on our chests. But then he's off again creeping, crawling, grabbing...he never stops. Matt jokes that these brief pauses in action, when he rests for just a few seconds, are the equivalent to a 30-minute cat nap for a normal person. It's just enough time to recharge his battery before setting off again.

at the victory






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