Friday, April 8, 2011


This weekend is the Half-Pint Resale, an awesome and huge children's consignment sale in our neighborhood that is held every spring and fall. How awesome and huge is it? Check it:

the line to get in the door

waiting for shoppers on the inside

If you volunteer at the sale you get to shop before everyone else. And if you are consigning things, you get to shop right after the volunteers and before the sale opens to the public. And when it opens to the public...WATCH OUT! A friend of mine has seen actual fights break out over items for sale. Apparently zen eastside Madison hippie moms DO lose their cool.

This was my first time consigning, and when I dropped off my stuff last night I took a peek around and saw this little guy. Can you see him hiding there?

hidden rody




Ever since I learned about Rodys I've wanted one. I even put one on my baby registry. They're geared toward the three and up set but this Rody had a base on him to turn him into a rocking Rody, making him just about perfect for a certain soon-to-be one-year-old who likes to climb and jump on everything he can.

rody base

I tried not to get my hopes up. Rodys are so awesome some volunteer in the early bird group would undoubtedly snatch him up and there was no way I would get there in time to get him for Matteo. I tried to tell myself that it was okay, I could just order another Rody online, and I would certainly end up with lots of other awesome stuff from the sale. But it was too late, the damage was done. I thought about that Rody all night and even had a very sad dream that some other woman snatched him up right in front of me.

I got to the sale 45 minutes early and was third in line. I watched through a window as the volunteers, who were already shopping, snaked by me on their way to check out. No sign of the Rody! As soon as the doors opened I ran over to where I saw him last night and THERE HE WAS!

Now he's all ours!

the rody is ours!

He's currently downstairs in hiding. I'm going to put a big bow on him and give him to Matteo for his birthday. I can't wait to see them in action. I have a feeling they're going to be good friends.

(You know who else has a Rody? Mari, the Japanese baby in 'Babies'.)

babies rody

1 comment:

  1. [...] ReSale. I’m not quite as obsessed as I was during the spring sale, when I was on the Rody hunt. But I’m still pretty freaking [...]
