Saturday, April 16, 2011

saturday with mom

Matteo and I have been quite the duo since Matt has been away. I had to take him to the doctor for an ear infection yesterday morning so I took the rest of the day off and we went out to lunch, just the two of us for the first time, to Ella's Deli for grilled cheeses followed by a nice long afternoon nap. It was delightful.

Today, however, I think I pushed him a little too far with the whole 'mom time' stuff. Everything started off okay. We went out to brunch with Carrie and Stefanie and then back home for a nap and some playtime. But then I took him to the mall to meet the Easter Bunny and then we went to look at wedding dresses for Carrie's upcoming wedding and...well, you can see for yourself.

brunchin' it
Full of blueberry muffin and fruit smoothie - a good way to start the day

Post-nap phone snatch and bear wrestle

who IS this guy?What the hell? Where am I? What ARE you?

no more, mom!

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