Wednesday, March 30, 2011

an apple a day

Matteo and I are two peas in a pod when it comes to what kinds of food we like, with cheese and fruit being our favorites. Saturday afternoon we were rushing around trying to pack the car and get ready to go to dinner so I gave him an apple to play with, thinking he'd roll it around like a ball. Ha! He figured out pretty quickly it was something tasty and delicious and the next thing I knew there were little teeth marks all over it and he was chomping away. I felt badly taking it away but I have no idea if babies are allowed to eat apples like that. Experienced mom out there, any thoughts?

what? eating apples ain't no thing, mom.
baby apple
huh? i'm not supposed to eat this?
but it's so good!

And yes, it's a total coincidence his shirt has apples all over it. I swear!


  1. Katy, no harm at all in him working that apple over! It probably kept him occupied and entertained while getting some fruit! :)

  2. Thanks Helen! I'll try it!

  3. You only have to worry if they take a big bite and with 8 teeth that won't happen!! Look at it as a positive step to self-feeding!
