Friday, March 25, 2011

downstairs upgrade

We've been in our house for almost four years and I'm starting to get itchy to re-do our basement. The finished part of our basement is home to Matt's turntables and has hosted many evenings of good friends, good drinks and good music.

Now that we have a little one crawling about it would be easy to make it a playroom for Matteo. But I also think that adults need their own spaces. And since he's already claimed most of the upstairs as his domain, I'm holding firm to the idea of keeping the downstairs for us.

photo from makelike

Wouldn't something like this be great? I know this isn't a basement, but the idea of a big comfy chair and a place to chill out and listen to records is really dreamy. Over the past year our little party room has been working overtime as a part-time guest room/outgrown baby clothes storage area/all-purpose dumping ground for anything the baby shouldn't be getting into upstairs. I'd like to spend a little time this spring sprucing things up and creating a space that's safe for Matteo, but intended as a retreat for adults.


  1. [...] anything about those curtains?! They are the same design as this wallpaper, but makelite doesn’t sell curtains and the pattern is ever-so-slightly different. How did [...]
