Thursday, September 30, 2010

fall family weekend

old dells postcard

Matt's family has an annual tradition of going on vacation together, somewhere in Wisconsin, for a long fall weekend. This will be Matteo's first family vacation and this afternoon we're headed to Wisconsin Dells. Although nowadays the Dells is primarily known for being the waterpark capital of the world, there is stuff to do that doesn't smell like chlorine and involve getting wet.

The Dells are famous for these really cool sandstone formations in a gorge along the Wisconsin River and I'm hoping we can see them on a boat tour. The rock formations are what initially brought tourists to the Dells in the 1800's after H. H. Bennett, an old-timey photographer, made the Dells famous with landscape photos of the area. Bennett also invented the first stop motion shutter, which he proved actually worked with this crazy photo of his son jumping between rock formations. I wonder how many times that poor kid had to make the leap before his dad got the photo he wanted?

stand rock

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