Sunday, September 19, 2010

hoodies + cookies = fall

As sad as I always am to see summer go, September in Wisconsin is one of my favorite months. I think Matteo agrees. He hated the hot humid days we had this summer and now that the weather is a little cooler he is much happier being outdoors.

This afternoon we took him to Elmside Circle Park. He loves the baby swings and we love making him smile so its a win-win.


Cooler weather also means lots of baking and when we got back from the park I made chocolate chip cookies from this recipe. Ohmygod these cookies are good. Like beyond insanity good. I made some to take to Matteo's daycare as a thank you for his teachers and was planning to send the rest to our softball team tomorrow night but...we ate too many ourselves. Oops.

Smitten Kitchen is one of my absolute favorite blogs. Every recipe I've ever made of hers is fabulous and her food photography is great too. Whenever I feel like my kitchen is small, I remind myself this woman works out of a tiny 42 square foot kitchen with one counter.

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