Saturday, September 18, 2010

the solid food eating trick

He did it! I cooked up a nice fat acorn squash last night for Matteo and he gobbled it up like a champ. It took him a little while to get the hang of it all but by the end he was chowing down.

Last night we also moved him out of the bassinet in our room to his own crib. He slept from 8:30 to 5 - a new record! Holy cow this kid is growing up fast. What's he going to be doing next, packing his bag for college?

i do not prefer this dad

more please


And for those of you who want more (grandparents, I'm looking at you) here are a couple of short movies of how it all went down. In the second video he's drunk on the stuff.

[flickr video=5001430010 secret=9b78f3eae0 w=400 h=300]

[flickr video=5001430020 secret=27d312c278 w=400 h=300]

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