Sunday, September 12, 2010

stefanie's shower

baby love

This morning I co-hosted a baby shower for my friend Stefanie. It was an easy, breezy ladies-only outdoor brunch with perfect Wisconsin-in-September weather.

Stefanie and Carrie hosted my shower and one of my favorite things they did was have each guest fill out a 'Wishes for Baby' card. Each card had a list of phrases like, "I hope you learn...", "I hope you love...", "I hope you respect..." The guests completed the sentences and then the cards were all compiled in an album together. I read though mine all the time and love seeing what thoughtful wishes our friends wrote.


These are the ones we made for Stefanie. I hope her little baby grows up and loves reading them, just like I hope Matteo enjoys reading his.

Not to toot my own horn too much or anything but I was pretty excited for Stef to open my gift. She and Adam love to go to shows - Phish, String Cheese Incident, Bonnaroo, etc. - so I gave her a little tie-dye onesie and a teeny pair of Birks (well, Old Navy's version of Birkenstocks). I'm so happy she liked them. They're going to have the cutest hippie baby ever.

for her first phish show

Congratulations Stefanie and Adam! We can't wait for your baby to finally get here!

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