Monday, September 27, 2010

willy street parade

Our neighborhood is famous for its summer festivals. Starting in June there are four big ones - one each month - and the final festival, the Willy Street Fair, is always my favorite. It's when the neighborhood REALLY lets its freak flag fly. (Want to see what I mean? Check out here and here.)

The Willy Street Fair was this past weekend and yesterday we took Matteo to the festival parade. I think he really liked it. He had the best view on the street.

watching the bubble man

Our friend Adam was hooping in the parade.

adam hooping it up

Next year his and Stefanie's baby will be at the parade with us!

carrie, me, matteo, matt, joe, stef

Guess what else Matteo did for the first time this weekend? He started sucking his thumb.

matteo and adam

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