Wednesday, September 8, 2010

tough guy

still smiling after three shots

This morning Matteo's daycare called to say he was in a lot of pain from the shots he had at his doctor's appointment yesterday, and asked if I could pick him up. I could hear him crying over the phone and left work right away to go get him. Of course, when he saw me he calmed down, stiffened his lip and kind of looked around like, "Who me? That wasn't me crying. You must be crazy, Mom!"

The nurse who gave him his shots yesterday said he cried less than any baby she's ever given shots! She was new, so who knows how many babies that actually is, but I was proud of him just the same. After all, this is the same baby who didn't even cry when he was circumcised. He's one tough cookie, that's for sure.

The picture was taken last night with his three band aids and his worm friend, Funky, who was named after the Ohio Players' classic funk song. Visual proof that a little funky worm always makes you feel better.

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