Monday, September 13, 2010


Tim totally rocked the ironman finishing in 12 hours even and in 598th place out of 2,556 competitors. Here he is, right before heading toward the finish line.

[flickr video=4986746070 secret=a6811918b2 w=400 h=300]

What you don't see in the video is when he came over to us, he kissed Sherryl. Argh, I can't believe we missed that on the video! I got chills seeing how they looked at each other - he was so happy to see his family and they were so proud of him. As he crossed the finish line and they called his name a minute later, I got chills all over again. There is so much energy and excitement in the crowd and seeing the athletes pushing themselves and working their hardest is so inspiring.

Congratulations Tim!


Matteo is proud of you too. You can't really see it, but here he is holding onto Tim's thumb.


This year's race had a blind athlete competing. We saw him run by while waiting for Tim.


These people swim 2.4 miles, ride 116 and then run a full marathon and this man did it almost completely blind. Plus he's 60 years old! That's beyond inspiring, that's simply amazing. Here is his story.

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