Monday, September 20, 2010

everything tastes better wrapped in bacon

Yeah yeah I know they're gross, but I'm a big fan of hot dogs. Especially hot dogs out of street vendor carts. When I worked in DC my favorite lunch cost $2.25 - a $1 hot dog wrapped in foil, a bag of chips, a can of soda and a three pack of chocolate chip cookies. That's some kind of deal.

street cart

I'm also a big fan of Zingerman's in Ann Arbor. Whenever we see our Michigan relatives there's at least something from Zingerman's that comes along for the ride. Their giant paesano bread wheels are practically part of our family. Zingerman's baked goods are also great default gifts when we can't get our own gift together in time. (Hi Mom! Hope you liked the brownies this year!)

Imagine my delight this morning when I opened my inbox to find an email from Zingerman's with a recipe for BACON WRAPPED HOT DOGS.  Holy. Crap. These people are marketing geniuses because this is now one mailing list I'm never going to unsubscribe from.

Bacon Wrapped Hot Dog Recipe
Wrap a slice of bacon around each hotdog like the stripes on a candy can or barber's pole. Lay the wrapped dogs in a plastic bag or container. Chill in the fridge for at least 20 minutes. You want the bacon to stiffen up a little bit to hold its shape. Tip: Thinly sliced bacon is easier to use and adheres to the hot dogs better than thicker cut.

I prefer grilling (the traditional approach, since they're street food). The dogs can be cooked on the stovetop as well. Place a cooking sheet or aluminum foil on top of the grate and use this as your cooking surface. Lay the dogs on the sheet. Cook for a few minutes on each side until the bacon is as crisp as you'd like it.

Buns & Toppings
The sweeter the bun you can find, the better. If you're lucky enough to have a Mexican bakery in your area, shop there. Bun toasting is optional.

bacon wrapped hot dog

Standard toppings: yellow mustard, ketchup, crema (you can substitute sour cream), chopped jalapeños—either roasted or grilled.

Optional toppings used by different vendors: chopped tomatoes, chopped onions, relish, mayonnaise, mango, pineapple, salt.


  1. Sweetie, have you checked your cholesterol lately? :)

  2. Are there such things as postpartum food cravings?
