Wednesday, September 29, 2010

obama in madison

President Obama was in Madison yesterday for a rally on the UW campus. When I first heard about it I thought it would be cool to go and take Matteo. I saw Michelle Obama speak during the 2008 campaign and her rally was fairly accessible. Ultimately I decided that as mellow as Matteo is, it might be too big of a crowd even for him. I think I made the right call.


Matteo's babysitter, Rachel, was there and sat right behind him when he was speaking.

obama at uw with rachel

I think it was awesome to have him here, even though his motorcade route made trying to get home from work to a hungry waiting baby slightly stressful. But as exciting as his speech on campus was, my favorite part of his trip was when Obama made a surprise visit to a local high school, where he met with the football, volleyball and tennis teams.


From Channel 3000:

"White House spokesman Bill Burton said Obama urged the football players to work hard in sports and school and to avoid the types of mental errors that caused the Green Bay Packers to lose Monday to his favorite team, the Chicago Bears.

'We talked about the Packer game yesterday and how they had 18 penalties and how you can't mess up that many times in life,' said Ben Mogilevsky, a member of the LaFollette High School freshman football team."

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