Tuesday, October 5, 2010

looks like...

When people ask who we think Matteo looks most like, it's hard to say. He changes all the time and we see flashes of all different family members as he takes on new mannerisms and expressions. I see a lot of my mother in him right now, which is touching and weird all at the same time.

When he was born he looked exactly like Matt:


But now that his face is rounder, he's definitely taking on more of my looks. Don't you think?

baby matt
Baby Matt

katy as a baby
Baby Katy

in his mom's sweater
Baby Matteo (with his cousin Charlotte and wearing a baby sweater of mine)


  1. Did you know that there is some science behind the idea that human babies look like their fathers at birth so that the father accepts the child as their own. All three of my boys looked like Darryl and Brooke looked like Darryl's cousin Barb (which is a little scary). As for Matteo, I agree with your picture captions. He is definitely morphing into you.

  2. I've heard that! And I also heard they don't start to look like your mothers until they're about a year old so this whole little round head thing is quite a treat.

    So weird that Brooke looked like Darryl's cousin of all people. It's strange how family traits can pop up when least expected.
