Tuesday, October 19, 2010

sittin' on chrome

Matteo and I spent Sunday afternoon in the kitchen. I was cooking up baby food, he was hanging out in his doorway bouncy chair, and we both were enjoying 'The Backspin', the old school hip hop radio show hosted by Spinderella. Master Ace's 'Sittin' on Chrome' came on the radio - a song I love because it reminds me of when Matt and I first started dating and he tried to give me DJ lessons. It was one of the records he started me with because it has a really simple beat to mix.

Apparently the beat also works well for bouncing babies because Matteo went nuts. And check out how well that boy is bouncing with the music! He's his Daddy's boy through and through.

[flickr video=5096462167 secret=f4714b6e8f w=400 h=300]

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