Wednesday, October 13, 2010

field trip

Matteo went on a field trip today to Eugster's Farm. I went along with his class and we all rode on a little school bus that has special seats for tiny kids. They fed goats, picked out pumpkins, went in a room filled with kittens you could pet, and saw lots of other baby animals.

waiting for the bus

feeding the goats

hanging out in the kitten cage

chillin' in the kitten cage


checking out some chicks



  1. Holy Cow look at all that hair! He's really a cutie and looking alot like Mom now also has his Grandpa's soulful eyes.

  2. He's always had a nice little baby mullet there in the back. Just like his dad used to have. :)

  3. [...] can interact with a whole bunch of kittens. We all had a great time. We went to this same farm, last year, when Matteo was so little I had to prop him against a pumpkin to take his picture. It’s [...]
