Wednesday, October 20, 2010

michelle obama

I LOVE Michelle Obama. I lovelovelove her. When I was a little girl my favorite show was 'The Cosby Show' and I wanted my mom to be just like Claire Huxtable. I think Michelle Obama is like Claire Huxtable come to life.

michelle & claire

Besides being smart and gorgeous and the most powerful woman in the world, I think her campaign to fight childhood obesity and get kids moving is just awesome. Did you see the pictures of her playing football last month with kids in New Orleans? Check them out here.

I like to follow what Michelle Obama wears on this blog. As a new mom who has been defaulting to ponytails and whatever is clean for too many weeks now, I find her style inspiring. Apparently I'm not the only one. The Harvard Business Review just featured a story on the influence Michelle Obama has on fashion. Whenever Michelle Obama wears a designer, the designers stock price almost immediately increases in value.

Here's why:

"The unparalleled robustness of the Michelle Obama effect results from the confluence of three factors: her personal interest in fashion, recognized by consumers as authentic, her position as First lady and the intangible value it confers, and the power of the social internet and e-commerce. Descriptions and pictures of what she's wearing spread across the social internet in near-real time and consumers can buy these fashions almost instantly online. For the first time in history, the cycle of influence is immediate and ubiquitous."

obama graph
Image via Harvard Business Review

I have to say though, out of all of the amazing and beautiful clothes I've seen her wear, this outfit is still my favorite.

michelle obama

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