Monday, October 25, 2010

the little packers fan

Matt and I took Matteo to our favorite Indian restaurant last night. In anticipation of the big Aaron Rodgers - Brett Favre match-up later that evening, Matteo was wearing his green and gold. All was going well until one of the managers snuck up behind him in his high chair, touched him on the shoulders, and loudly said "AHHH!! I SEE YOU ARE SUPPORTING THE GREEN BAY PACKERS TONIGHT!", which scared the bejeezus out of him. He started to cry and was pretty rattled, but we calmed him down by giving him a piece of naan to gum on. Just look at that furrowed brow.

gummin' it

Matt laughed it off and joked with the manager that Matteo was just nervous about the game, but I was a little embarrassed. What if they think our child is some terrible, racist, Indian-fearing baby? Good grief. It also didn't help his temperament that he hadn't pooped in two days and spent the entire meal making these horrible sounds:

[flickr video=5054814905 secret=4c5ca6c040 w=400 h=300]

I'm pretty sure Matt and I set a new records in just how quickly we could scarf down our tikka masala trying to get out of there.

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