Saturday, October 23, 2010

brunch at graze


Matteo and I met Carrie for brunch this morning at Graze, the new fancy gastropub on the square. Considering I forgot all of his toys at home and he had nothing to play with besides an extra pair of his pants from the diaper bag, Matteo kept himself entertained by charming the table of ladies sitting next to us, who cooed and smiled and waved at him throughout our meal. I was able to thoroughly enjoy my nutella french toast, he got a lot of attention from the table of ladies and from Carrie - everybody won!


After we ate the three of us strolled around the farmer's market where I picked up a package of buffalo hot dogs from a nearby bison farm. For a small city Madison has a booming local food scene. Besides having the biggest farmer's market in the country the city is filled with places like Graze that are committed to serving in-season, locally sourced food. If you like to eat well, Madison is a pretty fantastic place to live.

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