Wednesday, June 1, 2011

pool hopping

doing much better
Matteo's first dip in a pool last Fourth of July

We're thinking about joining a pool this summer. Matt and I both grew up with regular access to a pool and while the mild summer weather in Wisconsin doesn't necessitate a pool quite the same way as a sticky Maryland summer does, it would be awfully nice.

Plus, as much as Matteo loves his little inflatable pool, there really isn't a lot of room for the three of us in there together.

freezing cold hose water

Happy June!


  1. Katy -
    Pool is a great idea - I joined a neighborhood pool when Jerry and Betsy were little and they met friends and neighbors - great place for private parties... just a lot of fun and they can be very private if it's just the three of you and it is not a big memebership. Well worth the $ which were minimal. Of course we had to clean up and garden the area periodically but it was worth it!

  2. Thanks Chris! We're going to check them out this weekend and I hope we go for it!
