Wednesday, June 22, 2011

bon anniversaire sophie!

Did you know that Sophie the Giraffe is 50 years old this year? In honor of this momentous occasion, a local children's store near our house is throwing her a birthday party this Saturday. Matteo and his Sophie will most certainly be going.

sophie's birthday

Matteo loves his Sophie. She was his first toy and still travels with us everywhere we go. Before having a baby I never understood why a little plastic giraffe was the most popular baby toy in the world but I do now. She definitely has a certain je ne sais quoi about her.

matteo and sophie

tailgating with sophie

brunch with sophie

A few weeks ago we went to a Memorial Day parade and spotted this other Sophie lost in the grass! Quelle horreur! I thought about taking it home and putting up a 'Found! Sophie!' sign in the neighborhood but I didn't. I left it undisturbed in hopes her real family realized she was gone and would be coming back for her at any minute.

lost sophie! (not ours)

I hope you found your way home, little Sophie.

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