Wednesday, June 29, 2011

solstice party


Each summer and winter the park next to our neighbohood hosts a solstice celebration. This year Matteo and I caught the procession of the species and giant puppet parade. It draws quite a crowd.

solstice party


badger band

Charles Darwin, of course

karma chameleon


Look at that nice raven. Unfortunately, the person wearing that costume left it under a tree while they went off and did other solstice celebratory things after the parade and before I could stop him, Matteo thought its head would be a good place to sit. Paper-mache is no match for a toddler - Matteo's butt ended up leaving a pretty big impression on that raven's face. If that was your costume, so sorry!


little man, giant hand
Here's Matteo holding the hand of the Mother Earth giant puppet. He's a treehugger already.

badger vs. weasel
At the end of the parade, there was a performance involving several people dressed as badgers (representing state employees, school children, anyone else adversely affected by our new state budget) and a weasel wearing a suit (representing the governor). There was a lot of yelling by the badgers and growling and posturing by the weasel until a giant badger with ferociously sharp fangs came running out of the crowd and chased the weasel away, to the delight and cheers of the crowd. Politics in Wisconsin - these days there is just no escaping it.

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