Friday, June 3, 2011

three six on six three

birthday awesomeness
my tenth birthday party

It's my birthday today and I'm feeling really good about this one. I don't share this with a lot of people because it sounds a little strange (okay, more like a lot crazy) but I have this weird thing with numbers related to three, so turning 36 on 6/3 (or 3/6 for Europeans, which is even better!) feels really auspicious.

So far plans include leaving work at 12, meeting Matt for lunch at my favorite neighborhood pizza place, going to see Bridesmaids while Matteo is still at school (shhh...don't tell him), dinner together at our favorite Indian restaurant, and then drinks in the backyard after Matteo goes to bed. It all sounds just perfect, and to top it all off it's 90 degrees! Summer is here!

And guess what I bought this morning? Eighth row tickets to see Yo Gabba Gabba! Live! in September!


Now bust out your Jams and kick off your Tretorns and let's dance like it's 1985!

10th birthday

10th birthday party

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