Monday, June 27, 2011

old friends in new places

Matt and I were so happy to spend Saturday with one of our former students from St. Maarten. I was Katalina's fourth grade teacher and Matt was her gym teacher and it is absolutely nuts to think she's going to be a senior in high school this year.

4th grade girls
then - 2003

with kat
and now - 2011

Kat currently lives in Greece, but is spending the summer in the U.S. visiting family and interning at Random House in New York. She's in Chicago this week with her brother and sister-in-law and they were nice enough to drive her up and spend the day with us. We went to lunch at the Old Fashioned (no trip to Wisconsin is complete without fried cheese curds, of course), walked down State Street to the Union, and had ice cream on the Terrace. I don't know if we quite accomplished our goal of making Madison so irresistible that she'll choose to come to college here, but we tried our best in the short time we had.

matteo and kat

with kat

with kat

Kat has grown up to be an amazingly cool person, as we both knew she would. It sounds like a weird thing to say about a 10-year-old, but I remember when I was her teacher telling Matt that I could imagine us being friends when she grew up. It was great to spend time with her and introduce her to Matteo. Thanks for coming to see us, Katalina! We hope to see you again soon! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Best entry evaaaa!! I'd love to come again on my own some time. I was just telling my mom how much she'd like your place and style. Matteo's such a happy baby and Madison looks like a really beautiful and happening place to grow up. I loved hanging out with you guys with your CRAZY good show and music taste (girl talk!!). I expect you watched the tb premiere last night, and Matt will watch Weeds tonight? I'd looove to hear your thoughts on the new season ;) I think I might check out game of thrones just for giggles...Anyways, I just got back to New York but I had a blast in sconie land and I'll be coming back for more cheese curds!
