Tuesday, June 7, 2011

mowing the hardwood

A couple of weekends ago Matteo and I sat outside and watched Matt mow the lawn. It was the first time Matteo really paid attention to what he was doing with the mower. He was totally fascinated but a little afraid of the noise, so we went inside when Matt got to our part of the backyard.

Once we were inside Matteo went to his own little mower he got for his birthday, a toy he had never really played with on his own before. For 15 minutes he went over the entire house with that mower, wearing the same focused look on his face as his Dada.


I had a conference with his teacher yesterday and she reminded me how much his brain takes in each day as he learns about the world. He's an amazing little sponge and it's so fun to watch him process and react to new things. And now that the weather is nice and we're outside all the time, there is a never-ending supply of new things to encounter.

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