Wednesday, June 29, 2011

summer nights

Tuesday night we met Stefanie, Adam and Ayla for dinner. Look at our little blue-eyed bugs!

dinner with ayla

Unfortunately, we went to Red Robin for its family-friendly atmosphere only to learn Matteo is afraid of the Red Robin character. While Ayla laughed and high-fived the Red Robin, Matteo sat as far back in his seat as he could and grabbed for Matt's hand.

afraid of the red robin

After dinner we went to then went to Olbrich Gardens to hear an Afro/Cuban band. Stef took these photos of the three of us while we were at the concert. I love photos of Matteo (obviously), but candid family photos are even better.

our family

our family

our family

our family

This is how summer evenings should be.

summer evening

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