Wednesday, June 22, 2011

new specs

Since I've had the same lame glasses since 2003, I finally decided it was time to do something about it and ordered a new pair from Warby Parker. Have you heard about them yet? All of their glasses are only $95 (well, coke bottle lenses like mine cost $30 extra) and it's all done online.

I don't have the finished product yet but so far the shopping experience has been great. They have a virtual try on where you upload your photos and try on glasses online, but they also have a free home try on service where you choose five styles and they ship them to you for five days, free of charge.

warby parker

I chose the Colton style in Whiskey Tortoise. Here they are, as modeled by Matteo.

the colton

I think my most favorite part about buying from Warby Parker though is their buy a pair, give a pair program. 1 billion people don't have access to glasses, which means 15% of the world’s population is unable to effectively learn or work because they can’t see clearly. That's crazy, right? One of my biggest fears is not being able to see and I can't imagine going through life blurry. I'm all about supporting businesses like this who go above and beyond to make a difference. Thanks for changing the way things are done and doing good in the process, Warby Parker.

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