Monday, June 6, 2011


Oh wow. It was one of those luxuriously long summer weekends that leave you feeling like you've been on vacation for a week.

First up - my super wonderful birthday.

roman candle
lunch with matt at the roman candle

while matteo was still at school we went to see bridesmaids! the scene on the plane made me laugh harder than i have in a long, long time. awesome.

dinner at our favorite indian restaurant. here is matteo, wiping his hands with a hot towel after our meal. he's fancy like that.

bug love
custard at michael's after dinner

walking! matteo did a lot of walking this weekend but much like bigfoot, it's proving to be almost impossible to catch on video

vodka tonic
drinking vodka tonics with matt in the backyard after matteo went to sleep, and listening to the birthday playlist he made for me. perfection.

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