Wednesday, December 22, 2010

eastside pride

Matt's basketball team is competing in a tournament in Minnesota next month and the team has to raise all the money for the trip themselves. Transportation, food and hotel rooms for 14 players plus coaches = a lot of money they need to raise on their own.

We came up with the idea of holding a mini-camp for kids who are part of NESYB. NESYB is a volunteer-run, non-profit organization whose mission is to positively influence the lives of kids through basketball. It's a great organization and serves as a feeder program for the high school team Matt coaches. The camp will be held next Tuesday and Wednesday, will be run by his players, and the campers are invited to stay after and have lunch with the team and watch them practice.

Because a lot of these kids don't have money for any extras right now we're making it free for the kids. Instead of charging a fee to participate we're asking individuals and local businesses to sponsor campers. A donation of $25 will send a kid to the two-day camp, provide them lunch both days AND one of these sweet t-shirts that were designed by my brother's friend.

Eastside Pride

The image on the shirt is a hybrid of Peppy and the team's best player. After the holidays we'll be selling them at school and around the neighborhood as a second fundraiser.

I spent Saturday with two of his players (including the one on the shirt who was asked to pose for a picture at one place we stopped) going to local businesses and asking for support. Many of the business owners were East grads and knew who these players were because they still follow the teams. (One sports bar owner, who sponsored four campers, also told us he'd buy a bunch of t-shirts from us to sell in the bar.) The players felt good, the business owners felt good about giving back to their school, the kids who come to the camp next week are going to feel good - it's warm fuzzies all around.

We still need a few more sponsors before the camp starts next week. If you would like to sponsor a kid for $25, or buy one of our Eastside Pride t-shirts for $10, send me an email and start feeling those warm fuzzies yourself.

Thanks for your support!

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