Monday, December 27, 2010

christmas books

Matteo loves books and received some really great ones for Christmas. Here he is with Matt on Christmas morning reading one of Mo Willems pigeon books. He's pretty into it, don't you think?

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I read on someone's blog recently (I can't remember which one) about their family's Christmas tradition of leaving a book at the foot of their kids' beds for them to wake up to every Christmas morning. I like the idea of a child's first Christmas gift always being a book so I'm starting this too. This year we couldn't leave a wrapped book in his crib since Matteo eats any kind of paper he can get his chubby mitts on. But because he does try to eat paper, our inaugural Christmas book was an Indestructibles. He LOVED it. It really is indestructible and the illustrations are gorgeous. I highly recommend these to anyone with a baby about this age who is eating everything in their path.

mama and baby

I got Matteo Mama and Baby, I couldn't resist. The last picture is a brown-haired mama and a blue-eyed baby, just like us. Awww.

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