Monday, December 20, 2010

cookie chaos

I was up until 12:30 a.m. baking cookies so I'm a little fried this morning. This is insane! I told myself I was going to cut back this year and instead I made even more! Argh.

cookie chaos 2010
Note the time on the stove. Yep. I started at 3:30 and went for nine hours. Good freaking grief.

I found this picture of my brother with cookies we made when we were little. Two damn sheets was all we made back then and we were completely happy because we didn't know any better. Plus - my mom had us to help her decorate!

kevin with christmas cookies
Kevin looking cute - circa 1984

Nowadays it's just me and the dog in the kitchen and the dog isn't much help except for keeping me company and giving me something to talk to besides myself. And the only reason he sticks around is because two years ago we left him alone with the cookies that had been left out to dry and he managed to eat EIGHT giant stockings. We came home to find a bare spot on the table, a crumbled piece of wax paper on the floor that had been licked clean, and a coconut retriever with red frosting all over his snout.

roscoe ate eight cookies off the table
The scene of the crime. The dog is conspicuously absent. I think he was hiding in the basement.

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