Sunday, December 19, 2010

this afternoon on lake monona

Matteo, Roscoe and I went for a walk this afternoon. The weather was beautiful and there must have been at least 30 people on Lake Monona, skating or playing hockey. This picture was taken about five blocks from our house.

lake monona - december 19

If it had only been snowing, it would have been exactly like this:


  1. Katy, I can't remember if I told you this already, but Kat and I LOVE this stuff.... Loud and Bright!!!!! Now we need your mailing address please, ASAP! Big love to Matt & Matteo!

  2. Hi Claudia! I'm glad you enjoy it. It's been a fun way to capture what we've been up to, particularly because life is moving so fast I hardly have time to sit down and really process it all some days! :)

    Our address is: 417 Ludington Ave. Madison, WI 53704

    Hope you guys are all well! Happy Holidays! xoxo
