Thursday, December 23, 2010

santa claus is coming to my house

I was especially excited to score the Santa suit last week so I can re-create one of my favorite Christmas traditions for Matteo - Santa Claus coming to the house on Christmas Eve with a sack of presents.

When Kevin and I were little our dad was the manager of the local mall and had access to the mall Santa suit. For several years my parents had an uncle or friend dress up as Santa and actually SHOW UP at our door to give us gifts. Do you know how out-of-your-mind-crazy it is to have Santa Claus walk through the front door to personally deliver your gifts?! It's pretty awesome.

santa 1

santa 2

santa 3

santa 4

It wasn't until later in life, looking at old photos, I realized who was really in the suit. The truth wasn't disappointing. If anything, it only made it more special to think of my uncles slipping away from Christmas to don the suit for us.

Matteo is too young for it this year but next year we might try it. Any volunteers?

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