Monday, December 27, 2010

smith island cakes

A couple of years ago Matt and I were home visiting my family in Maryland when we discovered the joy that is the Smith Island Cake. Smith Island is a tiny island in the middle of Chesapeake Bay that is only accessible by boat and where the residents still speak with an English dialect. It's also known for making chocolate cakes with anywhere from 8 to 15 layers in them.

smith island eight layer cake

Already a big fan of yellow cakes with chocolate frosting, the Smith Island cake quickly trumped all chocolate frosted yellow cakes that came before once Matt had a bite of its many-layered deliciousness. After our trip I learned how to make it myself. While tasty, mine doesn't have quite the same professionalism as the ones made back in Maryland. My version has been dubbed 'The Chocolate Bomb' by friends, not just because of its contest but also because of its appearance - for some reason mine always turn out kind of round. Here is one I made for Matt's birthday last year. See what I mean?

matt's cake

ANYWAY, the point of this story is my mom sent Matt an authentic Smith Island cake this year for Christmas. Now THIS is how a real Smith Island cake is supposed to look with properly stacked layers.

smith island cake

And the taste? Beyond delicious. If you want to know what I mean, you can order one for yourself here.

Thanks Mom!

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