Monday, December 13, 2010

sad holiday baby

We took our first trip to the E.R. Saturday night/early Sunday morning because Matteo had a fever of 105.6. It's just a nasty cold and nothing too serious, but just to be safe they asked us to come in. That was the same night we were supposed to get a huge blizzard although lucky for us we only got nine inches (only!), and the streets were plowed by the time we had to drive. He's feeling a little better but still home today. He's pretty clingy and fussy and definitely not his usual smiling self.

I'm running way behind on Christmas cards and have yet to take a picture for our card. Starting to get desperate I tried taking one yesterday, but because he was down in the dumper we couldn't get a smile out of that kid to save our lives.

roscoe and matteo

We'll be trying again today.

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