Thursday, November 11, 2010

veterans day

My father's parents were in the Army in World War II. My grandfather, a Captain, scouted out enemy troops. My grandmother, a Lieutenant, ran an office in Paris that sent and deciphered coded messages. They met at training camp in Wisconsin at an army dance and continued a long-distance romance throughout the war. (My grandmother still has hundreds of letters my grandfather sent her while they were apart.) For their wedding my grandfather drove an open army jeep from what was then Czechoslovakia to France, where they were married by the mayor of Paris.


in uniform
Grandma - on the right

Grandma - on the left


grandma & grandpa 1945
wedding day, Paris 1945

grandpa & grandma in paris 1945
Paris, 1945

After my grandpa passed away (after 46 years of marriage), my grandma remarried. Bill also was in the military. He was a Captain and pilot in the Navy and served in World War II, Korea and Vietnam. He was an incredibly accomplished pilot and Captain of an aircraft carrier during Vietnam. He also was the Secretary of the Navy's personal pilot.

pilot bill
Bill - top row, second from left

My mother's father also was in the Army. He ran away from home, lied about his age, and actually served in the army when he was 13 or 14 at the end of WWI. During WWII he served in the South Pacific. Before he shipped out my Grandma, who was living in Palm Springs at the time working at restaurant that served celebrities, took a train by herself to his training camp in Louisiana to meet him for a secret rendezvous (since they weren't married at the time). When he came back from the war one of the first things he did was ask her to marry him.

grandpa in the south pacific


My great-aunt and my grandma are in the middle, their brother Bob is next to my grandma

lavon and grandma - palm springs
And a fun one from Palm Springs during the war - my grandma is on the mule. Her sister is holding the beer.

grandpa & grandma's wedding
wedding day, Michigan 1946

Besides my grandparents, my father, uncle and aunt also served in the Navy (my Dad also was Marine). I'm proud to come from a family of so many people who served their country. And to all veterans, thank you for your service.

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