Monday, November 8, 2010


Despite the fact that I had forgotten to buy one essential ingredient to make my famous 10-layer birthday cake and Matt had to settle for a regular-old double decker, I think he had a pre-tty good birthday.

Matteo wished him happy birthday by spitting up on his face.


My mom is visiting so she watched Matteo while Matt and I went to the gym and out for brunch for the first time in months. Then, after an afternoon of football (with a tiny amount of work putting up storm windows - sorry about that, sweetie pie) we all went out for dinner at The Old Fashioned, a restaurant we've previously tried to take my mom to THREE times. (The wait is always crazy.) I guess there are advantages to having to eat dinner out early enough to get home for a 7 p.m. bedtime.

through the window
(Matteo and my mom outside the restaurant as Matt and I quickly tried to finish our dinner. Damn you daylight savings time for messing up baby bedtimes!)


Finally, there were presents, the cake and party hats.

hippy birthday


Matteo was really into the cake. Sorry buddy, six more months for you!

matteo only has eyes for the cake

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