Sunday, November 28, 2010

thanksgiving weekend

It was a lovely weekend. We had dinner at Matt's dad's house Thursday, lunch with his mom and uncle on Friday, and spent the rest of the weekend catching up on stuff around the house and napping. (Actually I did some serious napping at his dad's house too.) I'm ready for you now holiday season! Bring it!

chewing on spoons
Matteo is teething again and ate cold spoons for Thanksgiving dinner

playing with grandpa
Horsing around with Grandpa John

helping trim the tree
Helping Grandma Joan and Aunt Kelly decorate their tree

grandma joan, grandpa john, matteo, and aunt kelly
Grandma Joan, Grandpa John and Aunt Kelly

with grandma peig and uncle jim
Grandma Peig and Uncle Jim

new snowsuit
Trying out his new snowsuit from Grandma Linda

red nose!
At the park with Dad

laundry day
Helping with the laundry

1 comment:

  1. Katy & Matt - he just keeps getting cuter and cuter. He's going to love playing in the snow. Glad you all caught up on your rest over Thanksgiving - that's a big part of that holiday. Looking forward to coming for a visit, I just have to work around winter breaks. I know it's catch up time for you on weekends, don't worry about entertaining me. love you, Shelley
