Wednesday, November 24, 2010


first art project

We have a lot to be thankful for this year. We are happy and healthy and content. We have a beautiful new baby and have been showered with love, guidance and support in anticipation and celebration of his arrival. We are fulfilled by our chosen professions and both Matt and I feel like they give us the opportunity to make a small difference in the world. We have a cozy house that's often filled with our favorite people and even though we weren't able to travel as much as we usually do, this year brought us lots (lots!) of visits from family and friends.

Life is unpredictable and easy to take for granted. We lost a dear friend last month, quite suddenly, and the best way I've found to handle my grief is to slow down, recognize what the truly important things are, and take more time to appreciate and enjoy them. We've had our share of challenges, but this year also has brought us so much joy and I'm trying to savor every minute of it.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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