Thursday, November 11, 2010

madison children's museum

My mom and I took Matteo to the Madison Children's Museum on Monday. I wasn't sure there would be enough to interest Matteo but the area for younger children was perfect for him. He laughed and played the whole time we were there.

We also had lunch at Bean Sprouts, a kids' cafe located in the museum. They even have baby food on the menu!

Seriously, could he have been any more excited about this place?

lunch out with grandma

new friends

goat rider

grandma and matteo

fish tank

me and matteo

giant baby

at the museum


  1. Looks like you had lots of fun! Linda and Katy you both look great and Matteo is becoming a Baby Buddha!

  2. Thanks Aunt Chris! The museum is amazing and we just learned Bean Spouts Cafe is headed to California to start more franchises!
