Wednesday, November 3, 2010

halloween parade

We live in this awesome old neighborhood filled with people who really get into parties of any kind. Everything and anything is celebrated big from Bastille Day (fun!) to the autumn equinox (that one was a little weird). For Halloween, before they go trick-or-treating, everyone with young kids gathers in Yahara Park for a parade through the neighborhood.

children's halloween parade

I love this kind of stuff but Matt...umm...not so much. He ended up being a great sport about it though. Check out the proud papa pushing the stroller.

matt and matteo in the parade

This was my favorite costume. This kid was dressed as a flying monkey wearing a Packers uniform. Genius.

flying monkey packers player

Matteo was dressed as a panda and slept through the whole parade.

sleeping in the parade

Unlike many of the other parents, we didn't dress up. Although we did notice that our Adidas were at least somewhat Halloween-like.

how much we dressed up for halloween

This is our next door neighbor, Finn. He and his friend were the ONLY trick-or-treaters we had all night. Our house is on a funny block with not many other houses on it so we don't usually get a lot of kids, but only two? That's an all-time low. You can tell Matteo had just about hit the wall at this point. All that stroller sitting really can suck the life out of a kid.

matteo and finn

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