Tuesday, January 25, 2011

with love from athens

greek gifts

Last week Matteo received a really sweet package from our friends Claudia, Jean-Phillipe, Katalina and Max, who are St. Maarten friends now living in Greece. Claudia was the art teacher at the school where Matt and I were also teaching and her daughter, Katalina, was in my first fourth grade class. The slippers are incredibly cozy and sweet (they have little dolphins on the sides and are fleecey on the inside) and the art book is even autographed to Matteo from the author. I love the lessons inside - here's a sample:


I also have to mention that Claudia is an amazing artist herself. For our wedding she painted rocks I collected from a local beach, which we gave to all out-of-town guests who came down for the ceremony. Aren't they beautiful? I still keep one on my desk at home and at work.

wedding rocks by claudia

Thanks guys! We all miss you and hope to be able to thank you in person sometime soon! Big hugs and kisses!

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