Tuesday, January 25, 2011



Can SOMEONE please tell me when this movie is going to be out in wide release?? Or have I totally missed it already? Argh!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katy - I don't think you've missed "Somewhere". I went to the matinee of the King's Speech today, (love love Colin Firth and he was excellent as well as the movie). "Somewhere" just started playing there. Now this was in Cambridge, right by MIT. Boston/Cambridge is quite into foreign films/independent film, etc., but so isn't Madison. So keep those baby browns on alert.
    Thank goodness your back in action - jeepers, I went a whole week with NOTHIN! love loud & bright.
    The sweet notes from Matt's 6 graders were so adorable, boy does that say a lot about him. Of course, you know I'm crazy about him.
    Can't wait for you to capture another excellent walking attempt from our little genius. Did he cry when he went boom? That darn toy just got away from him at the end.
    When do you go to So.America?
    We're in the midst of a "Noreasta" (Bos dialect). Looks like your Mother isn't going to miss this bullet. 2 weeks ago we surpassed 55" of snow. this one is going to be over a foot. Call me crazy, but I love bombing around Bos during a snow storm - mini me is excellent in the snow. We have quite a few original streets from the 1600-1700's - I have some favorites and love to cruise down these streets in my hood and Beacon Hill. Most cars don't fit. I hope it's warmed up there - yiks -4, we had 2 days of that, but not like what you usually get. It looks like you've gotten a lot of snow.
    bye for now, ooxx Shelley
