Sunday, January 30, 2011

our sunday

baby sled

Matteo and I met up with our friends at the park this morning for the trek across Lake Monona. Angela, Steve and Joe took off on skis and Carrie, her neighbors, their dogs, and Roscoe, Matteo and I followed on snowshoes. We didn't make it very far. After about a half mile (maybe not even that far) Roscoe had huge snowballs stuck on the fur between his toes and was really uncomfortable. I was also getting tired from pulling the baby sled so we decided to walk back. See that icy blue paw print on the map? That's about how far we made it.

ski route - how far we actually made it

See those tiny dots? That's Angela, Steve and Joe.

roscoe, me, matteo
But it was a beautiful day and it got us outside for more than an hour and I would love to try it again. Soon. Here is a video of us that I took. The woman pulling the sled is Carrie's neighbor whom I had just met. She was kind enough to take a turn and give my arms a break. I already have a very bad feeling about how sore my left arm is going to be tomorrow.

[flickr video=5402015516 secret=7bab6c8baf w=400 h=300]

Matteo loved being outside and didn't complain at all. I think he enjoyed himself as much as I did.

me and matteo

The skiers had a great trip and found all sorts of cool stuff along the way like a circle of Christmas trees out on the ice that people had tied ribbons to that had wishes and prayers written on them and this giant snow cave. Here's Steve and Joe in the snow cave. How sweet is this?


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