Tuesday, January 11, 2011

classic and cool

One of my favorite blogs is The Selvedge Yard, which is devoted to all sorts of things that fall into the category of "classic American cool" - things like great moustaches in history, retro man caves, and Steve McQueen.

Yesterday The Selvedge Yard wrote about Shel Silverstein. Who knew he was so cool? I own several of his books and poetry collections for children but I had no idea he also was a prolific songwriter.

The song he starts singing at the end of this clip is really sweet. It's worth a watch.

Since I'm talking about Shel Silverstein I have to mention 'The Giving Tree'. I love this book, and I totally get the message of unconditional love. But that little boy/man/old person is such a jerk! What did he do for that tree? He took EVERYTHING and then when there was nothing left to take he sits on the damn stump. And yes, all the tree ever wanted was the make the boy happy, which he did OVER and OVER again. But did the boy ever do anything for the tree except grace him with his presence? Exactly. This is more like it.

For fans of the original, here you go:

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